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Women & Better Sex 

Women can have a number of issues they may wish to speak to a sex therapist about from loss of desire and sex drive to issues over their feminine self.


Redefining True Female Sexuality - not the curated sexuality which is presented in the media and in pornography,  in particular can be very empowering for a woman. These unreal presentations about women, their bodies and sex serves to confuse, depress and cause women to have negative and damaging self images about their bodies.  I can help you find your authentic self, bring out your shiny confidence and self worth and help you create or regain healthy relationships with partners.

Self Pleasuring - You may wish to explore your sexuality and learn about your intimate body, use of sex toys and other ways of playing for pleasures gives you the ultimate control of your body. Knowing your body in this way gives you confidence to lead your partner into how to pleasure you. Body mapping is a helpful way to learn about your erogenous zones


Lack of Desire - You may be dissatisfied with your drive which is a common problem affecting  many men and women at some point in their lives. Often, losing interest in sex is linked to stress, fatigue or an issue within the relationship. Sometimes it can due to a physical changes  in your body. It's important to understand that there is no such thing as a ‘normal’ libido. But if you find that your lack of sex drive is affecting your relationship or is causing you to worry, it might be time to seek professional help.


Loss of connectivity with your Partner - Problems within a relationship are one of the most common causes of loss of sex drive. If you’ve been with your partner for a long time, you may have become overfamiliar with them or feel you are growing apart having a negative effect on your sex drive. The libido originates in the mind, so if you’re feeling low, dissatisfied or unconnected with your partner, your libido may be affected.


Healing from Infidelity - A relationship where there are issues that have not been addressed such as Infidelity can also cause you to lose sexual desire and libido. Trust and emotional intimacy has to be re-established so that desire can rekindle. 

Physical Pain during Sex  - this can be due to a number of reasons some organic and some psychological. I can help you to work on the underlying issues.

The causes for loss of desire in women are numerous - we are, after all, complex creatures. Take the time to explore yourself as an authentic  women, a lover, a sexual being and a sensual vessel. 


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